Manage my domain name Print

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 Manage my domain
  • Auto Renew
    Disable or Enable auto renew for your domain.  If you disable Auto Renew no renewal invoice will be generated and your domain is at risk of expiring resulting in a loss of service.
  • Nameservers
    If you need to update your domains Nameservers this is the option to choose.
  • Registrar Lock
    If you are transferring your domain name away form you will need to disable the Registrar Lock otherwise it is best to leave this option Enabled.
  • Addons
    Choose this option to purchase available addons for your domain name such as ID Protect
  • Contact Information
    Choose this option If you need to update your domains WHOIS or Ownership details.  Please note if you are transferring a domain away from do not modify the domain contact details otherwise the domain will be locked for 60 days as a security precaution.
  • Private Nameservers
    Currently Unavailable
  • Get EPP Code
    If you are transferring your domain name away from Myhost,ie you will need the domains EPP or Authorisation code to complete the transfer process. This code is emailed to the domain owner contact.

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