In the event that you need to cancel a domain or hosting service with MYHOST.IE please login to your client area and follow the instructions below.
If you make payments using Paypal please ensure sure you cancel any recurring PayPal subscriptions to from your own Paypal account by visiting
From client area click on Domains > My Domains
Tick the checkbox next the domain you want to modify
Click 'More' - 'Auto Renewal Status', from the menu at the top, then click on Disable Auto Renew. This will also cancel any outstanding domain invoice.
Hosting Packages
Warning: Cancelling a hosting plan will terminate all domain names associated with this plan, removing website files, databases, mailboxes and DNS records from our servers. If you are unsure please contact support.
From client area click on Services > My Services
Click the service name e.g 'Personal Mini Hosting Plan'
From the Actions menu on the left select Request Cancellation.
Please note that if you choose "Immediate Cancellation" then the hosting plan will be terminated within 24hrs, if you wish to terminate the hosting plan on the renewal date, choose the option "End Of Billing Period"Hosting Packages
Cloud VPS Servers
From client area click on Services > My Services
Click the service name e.g 'VZ1GB Cloud Server'
From the Actions menu select Request Cancellation.
Please note that if you choose "Immediate Cancellation" then the hosting plan will be terminated within 24hrs, if you wish to terminate the hosting plan on the renewal date, choose the option "End Of Billing Period"Hosting Packages