Email Account Client Setup Print

  • email setup, email
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There are a number of ways to set up mail on an email client like Thunderbird or Outlook. The settings discussed here are generic settings that all email clients would require to connect to the mail servers.

Connection Method:

Your email application (Outlook, Thunderbird, iPhone etc) can be set up to retrieve email from the email server using one of two different protocols: IMAP or POP. The protocol you'll use mostly depends on the number of devices you'll use to access your email.

  • IMAP For incoming mail, this is for users who access their email on multiple devices for example your laptop and your phone or if multiple users access the same account. When you read, reply, delete, forward, or otherwise manage your email, the changes are made on our mail server and sync with your webmail and other IMAP-connected email clients. IMAP is limited to 40 connections per IP address which should be plenty for most users.

  • POP Use POP if you want to download and remove your email from the server and store them on your device. It's a great option if you want to manage your email through one main interface, frequently manage your email offline, or need more storage space than your mail server allows. Do not use POP if you want to access your email from multiple devices.
Basic Connection:

This is a list of the most basic mail configuration settings you will require to configure any email client. Remember to replace YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME with your domain name

Password: **********

Incoming mail server: mail.YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME
No Encryption
POP Port: 110
IMAP Port: 143

Outgoing mail server: mail.YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME
No Encryption
Port: 587
*Uses Authentication
*Same logins as Incoming.

*These settings are important and usually located in the Advanced or More Settings section of the mail client for your outgoing mail server.

Webmail is available at http://webmail.YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME

Follow this link for some helpful videos for setting up various email clients:
Secure email using SSL/TLS With mail.YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME:
N.B. To use a TLS/SSL connection to the mail server you will need to know the hostname of your mail server. To retrieve this, please login to your Myhost portal, and under Support >> Mailbox Settings, enter your mailbox details with
SSL/TLS encryption type. This will also provide your full connection settings as below, along with the correct mail server hostname.

Password: **********

Incoming mail server: <SERVER.MYHOST.IE>
Encrypted Password
POP Port: 995
IMAP Port: 993

Outgoing mail server: <SERVER.MYHOST.IE>
Encrypted Password
Port: 465
*Uses Authentication
*Same logins as Incoming.

*These settings are important and usually located in the Advanced or More Settings section of the mail client for your outgoing mail server.

Note that TLS/SSL connections use different ports on the server as detailed above.

Webmail is available at http://webmail.YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME
Secure email using STARTTLS With mail.YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME:

STARTTLS connections use the same settings as in the basic settings above apart from having STARTTLS enabled.

These are the settings for a mail client using STARTTLS connection using the server name provided by Myhost. As above please replace <> with your mail server hostname.
Password: **********

Incoming mail server: <SERVER.MYHOST.IE>
Encrypted Password
POP Port: 110
IMAP Port: 143

Outgoing mail server: <SERVER.MYHOST.IE>
Encrypted Password
Port: 587
*Uses Authentication
*Same logins as Incoming.

*These settings are important and usually located in the Advanced or More Settings section of the mail client for your outgoing mail server.

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