Install an SSL certificate on Shard Hosting Print

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Unzip the certificate file and view the components using Notepad or Notepad++, do not use Word etc as these introduce errors in the files.

Naviagate to your client area at

From the black toolbar, select Services >> My Services
Select the hosting package which hosts the domain, e.g. Peronal Pro Web Hosting
From the bottom of the page select Open Control Panel which will open that hosting packages control panel in a new window.
If the package is a multi webspace package select the Webspaces tab and Switch to the Webspace hosting the domain.

Select the Websites tab.

Select the down arrow of the domain panel to expand the control panel for that domain.
Select the Secure your Sites link from this panel.
Select Add SSL Certificate

Give the SSL certificate a name e.g. domain-tld-2017

Scroll down to the Upload certificate as text section
If you are migrating the SSL from a previous host insert the private key from the previous host into the private key section.


Do not include any whitespace at the begining or end of the text in this section.

In the Certificate section, copy and paste in the certificate file, this is normally the one named www_domain_tld.crt


The next section is the Certificate Authority Chain, CA Certificate, this is made of of three certificates, taking comodo SSLs as an example they are AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt, COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt and COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt.

These are either provided with your certificate or are downloadable from your certificates provider. These certificates must be copied and pasted in this sequence:


Once these have been pasted in the right order, the SSL certificate can be saved, by clicking on Send Text
If you see an error check that the files are pasted in the correct locations and that there is no extra white space included.

Once the certificate has been uploaded it must be selected for the domain.

Navigate to the Websites tab and select Hosting Settings for the domain.
Ensure SSL support is enabled and select the SSL just uploaded from the Certificate dropdown, click on OK.

The hosting package will now set the SSL for the domain.

Note that for an SSL to work, the website must include a redirect from http:// to https:// using either a .htaccess file or a CMS plugin.

Note also that all links on a website using an SSL must be of the https:// format

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